Tip # 3 – Maintain your SQL Server

Posted: January 27, 2015 in Top 10 Tips for SQL Server Performance and Resiliency
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Top 10 Tips for SQL Server Performance and Resiliency

This article is part 3 of 10 in a series on the most common mistakes that I have seen impacting SQL Server Performance and Resiliency. This post is related to the most common errors I see and is not all inclusive.
Update: For even more tips, Fortified Data has written a helpful post with recommendations for creating a SQL Server maintenance plan

#1 Most common mistake – Incomplete Backups

#2 Most common mistake – Check Your Security

Most common mistake #3: Improper Maintenance

When it comes to maintenance, SQL Server is no different than an automobile; both require regular maintenance to keep them running at peak performance. In similar fashion, the greater the load, the more often the maintenance is required. Neglecting maintenance is the third biggest mistake that I frequently see impacting SQL Server’s performance.

Fragmented Indexes

Indexes in SQL Server are very similar to indexes in a book. The primary difference between indexes in a book and in your database is the indexes contained within the database are much easier to rebuild when new information is inserted. Imagine you had a book with 100 pages of text. If the book were indexed, finding specific information wouldn’t be too difficult and shouldn’t take much time. Now add 50 pages of new text in the middle of the book. Finding specific text after the 50 pages has been added would be difficult, all the page numbers would be off and the new text wouldn’t be indexed.

To solve this problem with SQL Server, we have the option to rebuild the index or reorganize an index. This should be completed on a regular basis. This ensures data location accuracy, which eases the work load on SQL server. This allows SQL Server to find the specific data it needs quickly and efficiently.

Stale Statistics

Sometimes, people have difficulty understanding SQL Server Statistics. Think of it this way: If you managed a sports team and it was your job to find new talent, would you want to see how much potential the talent has? You may want to know how strong they are or how fast they can run. Trying to pick up a new quarterback without that information would be difficult. What if the player’s statistics you were looking at were 5 years old? Maybe the statistics were from when they were in the best shape of their career and now they have gone a little past their prime. You may hire a player based on bad information if you didn’t know the statistics were out of date, they may not be that star performer you were looking for.

SQL Server keeps statistics for you as well. This information keeps your SQL Server aware of the information in the database and helps it decide on what the fastest way to retrieve data is. However, there are times when this information needs to be refreshed. Keeping your statistics up to date is going to keep your SQL Server aware of what shape your data is in.

Consistency Check

Isn’t it nice when your car starts to warn you before something really bad is going to happen? Sometimes it can be something as simple as change the oil in the engine or changing the battery.

SQL Server has warning signs as well; DBCC commands or database consistency checks should be executed to catch when something may be amiss in your data. This doesn’t mean that it can catch everything, but this layer of protection can save you some serious pain down the road.


Children that are being watched at a child care center or by parents are a lot less likely to get themselves into trouble. SQL Server is no different. A monitored SQL Server is less likely to have critical non-recoverable errors than servers that are not monitored. For example, pretend you have a database that requires 100 gigs of space for a backup file. If that storage falls below having 100 gigs of space available, your SQL Server backup is going to fail. What would happen if you lost the storage due to a hardware failure and now you need to restore from a backup? You could lose a tremendous amount of data and time, assuming you are able to recover it at all.

Now consider the same situation with a monitored SQL Server. A monitored SQL Server should inform you that you had a backup failure, and if it is scheduled via a Job in SQL Server, you can receive an alert from the SQL Server itself. In addition, there would be entries in the error log that you would see as well. A monitored SQL Server is going to give you an opportunity to correct the backup issue, before you need to restore the database.

It’s getting easier to complete a basic install of SQL Server with each and every version. It takes very little time to have a database up and running. It is so simple that many organizations install their SQL Server and forget about it – at least until there becomes a problem with it. Most of the time when I am asked to perform an emergency fix or a restore of a database, it is being done on a server that isn’t being monitored.

For detailed tips on how to move from reactive to proactive SQL Server monitoring and management, read this post.

Database Mail, Alerts and Operators not configured

As mentioned in the monitoring section of this post SQL Server can be configured to send emails in a number of situations; if a job fails or errors are raised with specific severities. These emails are sent to operators that are configured within SQL Server. So when a backup fails, SQL Server can send you an email, allowing you to fix the issue.

When my son started to learn how to drive a car, we spent a number of hours talking about the maintenance. We reviewed how he should keep sand in his trunk to help get traction on the ice, how his oil needs to be changed and the tires need to be rotated, all to ensure his safety while on the road. A well maintained SQL Server can give your organization a stable and well performing database.

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